Online Giving

Quick, simple, and secure. Give using debit/credit cards, your bank account, or stocks.

In Person
Give cash or check at our physical church location

What's Your Next Step?

Discover what’s next for you on your giving journey.


Put God first with your finances

Tithing is the practical and consistent way that we put God first in our lives and develop healthy spiritual habits. Discover Biblical tithing and what Jesus has to say about your finances.

Learn More about Tithing

Go Beyond The Tithe

The tithe is obedience, when we go beyond that it is to give an offering which is worship.

Give above and beyond as you feel led.


House of Glory

House of Glory is our expansion offering.

Click below to learn more.

Learn More


We are moving platforms for giving to Overflow.

Please follow these steps below to safely and securely set up your new giving profile on OVERFLOW

  • How Do I Cancel My Reccuring Subsplash Gift?

    1. Login to your Subsplash profile by using this link: SUBSPLASH LOGIN
    2. On the upper right-hand side of your screen tap your profile photo to access your account details
    3. Under your account details, you will see the GIVING section.
    4. Select "Scheduled Gifts", Then you can select your recurring gift, and find where it says DELETE GIFT. Confirm the gift being deleted in the pop-up prompt.
    5. Your Sublsash Re-Occuring Gift has now been removed and you may proceed to set up your Overflow Giving Account and Re-Occuring Gift.
  • How Do I Set Up My Overflow Reccuring Gift?

    Please follow these steps to set up either giving via Card or ACH.

    We recommend ACH giving, which charges the church less processing fees wich is more of your gift goes to the church.

    1. Click on this link: OVERFLOW GIVING LINK
    2. Click on "Credit/Debit/ACH" Button
    3. Choose "Recurring"
    4. Input your gift dollar amount
    5. Choose how often you'd like to set up your recurring gift (Weekly,Monthly,Bi-Monthy, Etc...)
    6. Choose the date you'd like  your recurring gift to begin
    7. Select "NEXT"
    8. Choose which fund you'd like your recurring gift to go to (Tithe, House of Glory, etc..)
    9. Use either your phone number or email to get a one time code for verification. Enter that One Time Code into Overflow and hit "NEXT"
    10. Enter your ACH Bank Informaton, or your Credit/Debit Card details and follow the prompts.
    11. Confirm your donation and now you have successfully set up recurring giving through overflow.
    12. Thank you!

Still have a question?

Please email us with the button below!

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